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Quasispecies Assembly and Reconstruction Algorithms

Read Graph

max_bandwidth_strategy(graph[, epsilon, ...]) Finds quasispecies over an amplicon-based read graph by repeatedly finding the max bandwidth path until there is no possibly path from the source to the sink.
random_bandwidth_strategy(graph[, ...]) Finds quasispecies over an amplicon-based read graph by repeatedly finding a random max-bandwidth path until there is no possible path from the source to the sink.
max_frequency_strategy(graph[, epsilon, ...]) Finds quasispecies over an amplicon-based read graph by repeatedly finding a maximum andwidth path until there is no possible path from the source to the sink.
greedy_fork_resolution(graph[, perfect_match]) Greedily resolve forks in the read graph.
random_fork_resolution(graph) Resolve forks by random matching fork vertices.
least_squares_fork_balance(graph[, weighted]) Balance all forks in the graph by a least squares approach.
min_unsplittable_flows_resolution(graph, ...) Min-k unsplittable flows method.

Frequency Matrix

amplicon_frequency_matrix_strategy(amplicons) Reconstructs quasispecies from the supplied read matrix.
amplicon_frequency_matrix_strategy_from_graph(graph) Reconstructs quasispecies from the supplied graph.
update_freq_matrix_from_lp_output(...[, ...]) Updates the frequency matrix from the output of a balancing scheme.