You are hereCSc 8550 Advanced Algorithms
CSc 8550 Advanced Algorithms
CSc 8550 Advanced Algorithms
Fall Semester, 2016
Computer Number: 88081
Classroom: ALC 305
Time: 2:50-4:35
Instructor: Dr. Alex Zelikovsky
25 Park Place suit 751
Phone: (404) 413 5730
Fax: (404) 413-5717
Web site:
Office Hours: 2:00pm – 2:40pm Tuesday and by appointment
Texts: Lecture Notes, class webpage
Other Refs: T. H. Cormen, C. E. Leiserson and R. L. Rivest “Introduction to
Algorithms” ,MIT Press, 1989 (and later editions)
V. Vazirani “Approximation Algorithms” Springer 2001
Course Content:
Advanced data structures and algorithms: approximation algorithms, integer linear programs, dynamic programming.
Algorithms applied to connectivity problems.
Wireless ad hoc & sensor networks: routing, sensing protocols, communication network survivability and reliability.
Prerequisite: CSc 4520/6520 (Design and Analysis of Algorithms)
Attendance: You may be dropped if you have more than three unauthorized absences.
Students are responsible for all the material covered or assigned
Withdrawals: The last day of regular withdrawal.
Course Requirements: Students should attend all classes, regularly complete all reading and program assignments,
accomplish course (team) project, give a presentation,
Course Grades: course project – 20%, presentation – 10%, quizzes - 50%, home assignments – 20%
Other Policy: Make-up’s or missed deadlines must be arranged prior, and will be
allowed only at the discretion of the instructor.