Source code for bioa.util.graph

Graph Utility Functions

__all__ = ["max_bandwidth",

__author__ = """Nicholas Mancuso ("""
#   Copyright (C) 2011-2012 by
#   Nicholas Mancuso <>
#   Bassam Tork <>
#   All rights reserved.
#   BSD license.

import sys
import networkx as nx
import bioa as ba

[docs]def max_bandwidth(graph, source="source", freq_name="count", epsilon=1e-3): """ Given a graph G = (V,E) with capacity over vertices and a source, find the set of paths which maximize the bandwidth (minimize the bottleneck) from the source. Parameters ---------- graph : NetworkX Graph Graph to find the maximum bandwidth path of. source : str (optional, default="source") Name of the source vertex to begin the search from. freq_name : str (optional, default="count") Name of the frequency or count property to use. epsilon : float (optional, default=1e-3) Threshold for edge values to consider. Returns ------- bandwidth_and_paths : (dict, dict) tuple Dictionary of the bandwidth from the source to a node along with the dictionary of the maximum bandwidth path from a source to a node. """ bwidths = {} # dictionary of final bandwidths paths = {source: [source]} # dictionary of paths seen = {source: sys.maxint} fringe = ba.PQueue([(sys.maxint, source)], behave="max") while len(fringe) > 0: v, b = fringe.get_max() if v in bwidths: continue # already searched this node. bwidths[v] = b edata = iter(graph[v].items()) for w, edgedata in edata: vw_band = min([bwidths[v], edgedata[freq_name]]) if vw_band > seen.get(w, epsilon): seen[w] = vw_band fringe.add_node(vw_band, w) paths[w] = paths[v] + [w] return (bwidths, paths)
[docs]def graph_rank(graph): """ Rank of an undirected graph is defined as n - c where n is the number of vertices in the graph and c is the number of connected components of the graph. This is the same rank as the representative incidence matrix. Parameters ---------- graph : NetworkX Graph Undirected graph. Returns ------- rank : int Rank of the graph. """ if graph is None: raise ValueError("Valid graph must be used!") if graph.is_directed(): raise ValueError("Rank of a directed graph not defined") ncount = len(graph) nconcomps = nx.number_connected_components(graph) return ncount - nconcomps