Source code for bioa.util.general

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
General utility functions

__all__ = ["are_consistent",

__author__ = """Nicholas Mancuso ("""
#   Copyright (C) 2011-2012 by
#   Nicholas Mancuso <>
#   Bassam Tork <>
#   All rights reserved.
#   BSD license.

import bioa
import networkx as nx

[docs]def are_consistent(read_one, read_two, overlap, error_tolerance=0): """ Checks if the two reads are consistent within the threshold. Parameters ---------- read_one : str First read whose tail must match. read_two : str The other read whose head must much. overlap : int The amount the reads overlap by. error_tolerance : int (optional, default=0) The number of allowable errors. Returns ------- are_consitent : bool True if consistent, False otherwise. """ str1 = read_one[len(read_one) - overlap:] str2 = read_two[:overlap] if len(str1) != len(str2): raise ValueError("Strings must be equal in length!") differences = bioa.hamming_distance(str1, str2) return differences <= error_tolerance
[docs]def reconstruct_uniform_sequence(reads, overlap): """ """ if not reads: raise ValueError("Reads must be defined to reconstruct a sequence!") if overlap < 1: raise ValueError("Valid overlap length must be defined to build " + \ "amplicons!") reads = [read for read in reads if bool(read)] freads = [reads[0]] + [read[overlap:] for read in reads[1:]] return "".join(freads)
[docs]def reconstruct_sequence(reads, start_end_positions): """ """ if not reads: raise ValueError("Reads must be defined to reconstruct a sequence!") if not start_end_positions: raise ValueError( "Valid overlap lengths must be defined to build amplicons!") reads = [read for read in reads if bool(read)] freads = [] lend = start_end_positions[0][0] for idx, read in enumerate(reads): start, end = start_end_positions[idx] freads.append(read[lend - start:]) lend = end return "".join(freads)
[docs]def convert_networkx_to_read_graph(graph, source="source", sink="sink"): """ """ if graph is None or not isinstance(graph, nx.Graph): raise ValueError("Expected networkx graph!") rg = bioa.ReadGraph(source, sink) rg.graph.update(graph.graph) rg.add_nodes_from(graph.nodes_iter(data=True)) rg.add_edges_from(graph.edges_iter(data=True)) return rg