Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
IO based functions for handling read pairs

__all__ = ["parse_pairs",

__author__ = """Nicholas Mancuso ("""
#   Copyright (C) 2011-2012 by
#   Nicholas Mancuso <>
#   Bassam Tork <>
#   All rights reserved.
#   BSD license.

[docs]def parse_pairs(stream, delimiter=","): """ Parses a stream of read-sequence frequency pairs into a dict. Parameters ---------- stream : iterable object An iterable object which to pull the pairs from. delimiter : str (optional, default=",") The character which to delimit pairs by. Returns ------- pair_table : dict Lookup table of read-sequences and their respective frequency. """ if not stream: raise ValueError("Valid stream required!") pairs = {} for line in stream: pair = line.split(delimiter) ref, freq = pair[0], float(pair[1]) pairs[ref] = freq return pairs
[docs]def get_pairs_from_file(filename, delimiter=","): """ Opens and parses a file into read-sequence frequency pairs. Parameters ---------- filename : str Path to the file containing the pairs. delimiter : str (optional, default=",") The character which to delimit pairs by within the file. Returns ------- pair_table : dict Lookup table of read-sequences and their respective frequency. """ if not filename: raise ValueError("Non-empty file path required!") pairs = {} with open(filename, "r") as pair_file: pairs = parse_pairs(pair_file, delimiter) return pairs
[docs]def write_pairs(read_pairs, stream, delimiter=","): """ Writes the read-freq pairs out to the stream. Parameters ---------- read_pairs : dict Lookup table of read-sequences and their respective frequency. stream : writeable stream A stream to write the pairs out to. delimiter = str (optional, default=",") The character which to delimit pairs by within the file. Returns ------- None """ if not read_pairs: raise ValueError("Non-empty read-pairs required!") if not stream: raise ValueError("Valid stream required!") for read, freq in read_pairs.items(): stream.write(read + delimiter + str(freq) + "\n")
[docs]def write_pairs_to_file(read_pairs, filename, delimiter=","): """ Writes the read-freq pairs out to the specified file. Parameters ---------- read_pairs : dict Lookup table of read-sequences and their respective frequency. filename : str Path to the file containing the pairs. delimiter = str (optional, default=",") The character which to delimit pairs by within the file. Returns ------- None """ if not read_pairs: raise ValueError("Non-empty read-pairs required!") if not filename: raise ValueError("Non-empty file path required!") with open(filename, "w") as pair_file: write_pairs(read_pairs, pair_file, delimiter)