Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Input/Output algorithms for bioa.Amplicons

__all__ = ["find_amplicons_by_primers",

__author__ = """Nicholas Mancuso ("""
# Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by
# Nicholas Mancuso <>
# All rights reserved.
# BSD license.

import csv
import bioa as b
from Bio import SeqIO

[docs]def find_amplicons_by_primers(reference, primers): """ Finds the amplicon starting and ending positions in the reference given the primers used for the experiments. Parameters ---------- reference : Bio.Seq The reference sequence used to align reads with. primers : list of Bio.SeqRecord List containing starting and ending primers for all experiments. Primers should be ordered by the amplicon order along the reference. Additionally each pair should be ordered by starting primer then ending primer. Returns ------- se_positions : list of (int, int) List of integer pairs indicating the starting and ending positions for each amplicon in the reference. """ if not reference: raise ValueError("Must provide a reference to find amplicons!") if not primers: raise ValueError("Must provide a primer list!") if len(primers) % 2 != 0: raise ValueError("Must be starting and ending primers for each amplicon!") # alignment scores MATCH = 2 MISMATCH = -1 OPEN_GAP = -0.5 EXTEND_GAP = -0.1 from Bio.pairwise2 import align # wrapper function to find best local alignment def _best(reference, seq): return max(align.localms(reference, seq, MATCH, MISMATCH, OPEN_GAP, EXTEND_GAP)) se_positions = [] for idx in range(0, len(primers) - 1, 2): record = primers[idx] nextrecord = primers[idx + 1] # do a local alignment of the primers to the reference. s1, s2, score, begin, _ = _best(reference, record.seq) # reverse complement for the backward primer reverse = nextrecord.seq.reverse_complement() s1, s2, score, _, end = _best(reference, reverse) # account for 1-based positions se_positions.append((begin + 1, end + 1)) return se_positions
def parse_start_end_positions(stream): """ Parse a stream that contains start and end positions for the defined amplicons. One pair per line, e.g., 1, 250 183, 400 would be the starting and ending positions for two amplicons. Parameters ---------- stream : stream type The stream to parse the pairs from Returns ------- pairs : iterable of (int, int) The starting and ending positions. """ reader = csv.reader(stream) for row in reader: if len(row) == 2: yield (int(row[0]), int(row[1])) return
[docs]def build_amplicons_from_file(filename, se_positions, ref_len): """ Creates the Amplicons data structure from a file of reads. The file structure must follow: read, position for this to operate correctly. Parameters ---------- filename : str Path to the read-data file. se_positions : list of (int, int) List of starting and ending positions for each amplicon. ref_len : int Length of the entire reference genome. Returns ------- amplicons : bioa.Amplicons Amplicon data structure containing all distinct reads and meta-data. """ amplicons = [] with open(filename, "r") as data_file: amplicons = b.Amplicons(data_file, se_positions, ref_len) return amplicons
[docs]def build_uniform_amplicons_from_file(filename, amp_len, overlap, ref_len): """ Creates the Amplicons data structure from a file of reads. The file structure must follow: read, position for this to operate correctly. This assumes that all neigboring amplicons have the same overlap. Parameters ---------- filename : str Path to the read-data file. amp_len : int Number of bases covered by a single amplicon. overlap : int The number of bases that neighboring amplicons overlap. ref_len : int Length of the entire reference genome. Returns ------- amplicons : bioa.Amplicons Amplicon data structure containing all distinct reads and meta-data. """ amplicons = [] with open(filename, "r") as data_file: amplicons = b.Amplicons.build_uniform_amplicons(data_file, amp_len, \ overlap, ref_len) return amplicons
[docs]def write_amplicons_to_fasta(filename, amplicons): """ Write amplicon sequences to file. Parameters ---------- filename : str Filename to write amplicon sequence data to. amplicons : bioa.Amplicons Amplicon data structure containing all distinct reads and meta-data. Returns ------- None """ with open(filename, "w") as fasta_file: for amplicon in amplicons: SeqIO.write(amplicon, fasta_file, "fasta") return